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Dovery Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Reception Admissions

Our school is open to anyone and is non-selective. Applications are submitted through Central Bedforshire Council. If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

The Published Admission Number for the school is: 30

To view our Admissions Policy please visit our Policy page.​

The contact telephone number for the Admissions department is 0300 300 8037

​You can apply for your child's place via the Central Bedfordshire website:

Admissions Appeals

If Dovery Academy is oversubscribed, it's published oversubscription criteria will be used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places. If you have not been offered a place for Reception 2025 and would like to appeal, please do so through Central Bedfordshire Council.

Timescale for Reception 2025 appeals:

  • Deadline for parents to lodge their appeal by 16th May 2025
  • Appellants will receive at least 2 weeks’ notice of the hearing date.
  • Decision letters will be sent out within 5 school days (7 calendar days) of the date of the last appeal to be heard.

In-Year Admissions

We are now accepting in-year admissions applications. Should you wish to apply for an in-year place, please contact the school office. 

Pre-School Admissions

To register your child please complete the forms below and return the registration form and session preference form. We will add your child onto our waiting list and then contact you to confirm if there is a space available.  It is a requirement for all children that registration forms are completed.

Please visit our Pre-School page or contact the Pre-School Leader for more information.