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Dovery Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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The Attendance Policy can be found on the Policy page of our website.

New Attendance Rules from September 2024

Why is it important to attend school?

If students are to achieve their potential, good attendance and punctuality are critical.  The link between attendance and achievement is well documented.  Figures from the DCSF demonstrate this very clearly.

Attendance Level                                                                    Achievement

Students with 93.5% and above attendance                     75% Achieve 5+ A*- C GCSE Grades

Students with 89% and below attendance                         25% Achieve 5+ A*- C GCSE Grades

We want all our pupils to achieve the very best results that they can.  Irregular attendance, can, however, have a significant impact on pupil achievement.  Pupils with irregular attendance...

  • Get behind with work

  • Lose the thread of the topics being taught

  • Become demotivated on return to school

  • Lose friendships

  • Miss out on important careers and guidance inputs

  • Miss out on extra curricular opportunities

  • Are less likely to feel part of the school

  • More likely to become involved in Anti Social Behaviour

What is good attendance?

Parents/carers and students often become confused about what good attendance is.  The school target for attendance is 95.60%.  In discussions with the Educational Welfare Service, we have introduced the following guide for parents....     


            100%              Outstanding

            97 - 99%         Excellent

            94 - 97%         Good

            92 - 94%         Satisfactory

            90 - 92%         Cause for concern

            Below 90%      Serious cause for concern


It should be remembered that 90% attendance is equivalent to one day of absence every fortnight.  Over an academic year this amounts to four weeks of absence (100 lessons missed!)

We will contact you if we have concerns about the attendance level of your son/daughter.  We also reward pupils who attend well and are punctual through a whole class non-uniform days at the end of each half term.



Parents/carers are also responsible for ensuring that their son/daughter arrives at school punctually. At Dovery Academy school starts at 8.30am each day. We will contact you if we have concerns about punctuality (3 lates or more in a half term) and ask that you support our procedures to improve punctuality.

What Parents can do

  • Ensure students arrive on time each day, well equipped and in a fit state to learn.

  • Take an interest in the education of their son/daughter by talking to them about school and by attending school events (e.g. Consultation/Information Evenings etc.)

  • Ring or email the school by 8:30am on each day of absence.

  • Be alert to any signs that might indicate bullying or other issues that may affect school attendance

  • Inform the school immediately if there are any matters that arise that may affect the attendance of their son/daughter

The Law

The 2008 Pupil Registration Regulations state that "time off school for a family holiday is not a right. It is at the discretion of the Head of School to grant the holiday if they believe that the circumstances warrant it."

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006

If a holiday request is not authorised and the holiday is still taken there is the possibility of being penalised.  The Penalty Notice can be up to £60 per parent/carer per child. If the parent/carer does not pay the Penalty Notice it may lead to a prosecution.

Schools are not obliged to provide work for pupils during holidays taken in term time.


All requests for holidays in term time must be followed in accordance with the Attendance policy.